About Dr. Lanting


William Lanting, M.D.,

Dr. Lanting believes in educating patients about their disease process so that they can prevent or control their symptoms and lead a normal, symptom-free life. His fluency in Spanish allows Allergy & Asthma Center of the Rockies to provide Spanish speaking patients with a high quality of care. Dr. Lanting is a national speaker and enjoys training primary care physicians in Northern Colorado and across the country.

(970) 227- 4611 Fort Collins & Sterling

(970) 978- 4114 Greeley & Fort Morgan

He is certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics. After practicing 10 years as a family physician, he completed his Pediatric residency at the Miami Children’s Hospital and his fellowship in allergy, asthma and immunology at National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine in Denver Colorado.

Meet America’s Allergist Dr. Bill Lanting

I have been listening to, evaluating and treating patients for over 33 years. Changing someone’s life, even after one visit, lights me up. Allergy is my calling in life. I go to work every day and have fun. Eighty percent of the world hates their jobs. My staff and I love our work, what we do and the change in patient’s lives we create.

My dad told me “If you let the patient talk long enough they will tell you what is wrong with them”. That is why I spend my time listening to the patient and getting to know them. Helping a “friend” is easier and more rewarding than just treating a patient.

Also when there is a difficult decision to make on an evaluation, diagnosis or treatment I think of another pearl my dad taught me. “If you have a tough decision to make, what would you do if it was your family?” This makes decision making very easy. My dad has retired after 60 years of practice.

Baseball is my religion. I believe that all life is based on baseball. The Yankees are my team. My dad took to me to my first game at “The Stadium” on June 8, 1968 and I was able to see my hero, Mickey Mantle.

My brother and I ran one of the best and well known baseball and sports card and memorabilia companies in the 80’s, Lanting Collectables. Through this I met many great customers who were great fans and had many wonderful conversations about sports.

Skydiving came into my life in my 40’s. I have 291 jumps and am a Class D skydiver. There is not a small plane I haven’t jumped out of and also have jumped from helicopters, balloons and a C-130. Most challenging were the high altitude jumps. I have jumped in Colorado, Alaska, Arizona, Illinois and multiple sites in Florida and California. Unfortunately I took out both legs on jump 286, a right femur and left Tibia/fibula. After recovering and getting the rods out I got back up there.

Travel has always been a passion. My parents knew travel was a great from of education and took me on numerous car and airplane trips. I have visited all 50 states and 83 countries. There are less new countries lately as I am on a mission to show my wife all the special places in the world that I have fallen in love with. We have visited 30 countries in our 10 years together.

There are my 14 near death experiences, but that will be the subject of an upcoming book. Four by water, three by tornado, two by lightning, one helicopter, two traffic, one skydiving and the elephant in Botswana.

My passion though will always be patient care. I knew I would be a doctor at 5 years of age. That is when I made my first housecall with my dad. I, like my dad and his colleagues, will die with my stethoscope on.

Allergy Shots

December 6, 2021

Allergy shots or immunotherapy is a vaccination program that can reduce an individual’s reactions to an allergic substance such as animal dander, pollen or mold. By injecting small amounts of a purified allergen, the body produces protective antibodies and prevents or reduces the allergic response. Beginning with small doses, the body gradually builds up immunity…

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How Having a Clean Home Can Help Keep Your Child’s Asthma in Control

December 5, 2021

Weekends are a time for running errands, catching up with friends and family, and the unfortunate task of cleaning the house. It’s usually the last thing on our list that we want to do, however, what if it helped keep asthma symptoms in control, especially for children? One in every 10 children has asthma. This…

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Can Vitamin D Reduce the Risk of Asthma Attacks?

December 5, 2021

Asthma attacks are painful, stressful and irritating. The symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and more can exhaust a person, no matter what age. It can drain you for a couple days, weeks or month depending on why you had the attack. If you have a cold, the asthma symptoms can linger well…

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Could you be at high risk of complications caused by the flu?

December 5, 2021

It’s that time of year again. Back to school, the holidays, and the flu. The flu comes and goes, but for those who have certain health issues, the flu can linger and cause additional complications. So, are you at risk of these complications? Influenza is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system. This includes…

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Could you have a deviated septum?

December 5, 2021

Do you have trouble breathing? How about snoring, headaches, and face pain? You could be suffering from a deviated septum. A deviated septum happens when the bone and cartilage (nasal septum) separating the nasal cavity in half is crooked and pushes towards one side. This can cause problems breathing because it makes one side of…

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Do you know the hidden signs of asthma?

December 5, 2021

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation in the airways and difficulty breathing. Roughly 1 in 12 people suffer from asthma, and it is the third top cause of hospitalizations amongst children. Wheezing, chronic coughs, shortness of breath and more are normal signs of asthma. Many people don’t realize that there are hidden…

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How to Manage Your Eye Allergies

December 5, 2021

Allergic conjunctivitis, also known as eye allergies, is a problem for millions of Americans. It can cause swollen, puffy, red eyes. This can make you feel and look miserable during allergy season. A quick fix to calming down the eyes is to use a cold compress. However, this is not a long-term solution. The most…

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Allergy & Asthma Center for the Rockies was started with a purpose in mind to evaluate patients and create life changing solutions. By taking the time to listen and evaluate, a patient’s problems, symptoms and findings are synthesized. The solution is to eliminate the symptoms and problems so patients can lead a normal life.