Patient Info & Online Forms

Patients Things to Remember

Please remember to bring insurance cards and a driver’s license for us to copy for our records. If the patient needs a skin test, be off all antihistamines 5-7 days prior to the test. (please print a pre – skin test instructions form). Plan on being in the office from start to finish approximately 2 hours for any testing that may be done in the office.

Once the nurse calls the patient back, the patient then goes to an exam room to get vitals, height, weight, medical information and specific questions answered.

The doctor comes in and goes over history and goes through an exam and physical. From the history, the doctor decides on the appropriate tests that the nurse then acquires.

If the patient has asthma symptoms, the nurse will do a Pulmonary Lung Function Test. The patient blows in a device to measure lung capacity and to show the doctor, any restrictions in the large and small airways. Next, if you have allergy symptoms a skin test is the best way to let the doctor know what you are allergic to. The patient lies on their stomach if they are able to, and the nurse performs various slight pricks on the patients back.

Please remember to bring insurance cards and a driver’s license for us to copy for our records. If the patient needs a skin test, be off all antihistamines 5-7 days prior to the test. (please print a pre – skin test instructions form). Plan on being in the office from start to finish approximately 2 hours for any testing that may be done in the office.

When all the information is ready for the doctor to make his diagnosis, he then has a conference with the patient to go over all the tests that were done with the nurse. The doctor goes over what he thinks would be the appropriate path to take. This may include asthma medication, allergy medication, simple ways to get rid of allergens in the home and he may think you qualify to become an immunotherapy candidate.

At this time, the nurse will come back in to the exam room to go over any questions the patient may have. The nurse will demonstrate any medications. lab work, samples and prescriptions will also be given to the patient.

Finally the patient checks out with the front desk to make their following appointments.

Allergy Shots

December 6, 2021

Allergy shots or immunotherapy is a vaccination program that can reduce an individual’s reactions to an allergic substance such as animal dander, pollen or mold. By injecting small amounts of a purified allergen, the body produces protective antibodies and prevents or reduces the allergic response. Beginning with small doses, the body gradually builds up immunity…

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How Having a Clean Home Can Help Keep Your Child’s Asthma in Control

December 5, 2021

Weekends are a time for running errands, catching up with friends and family, and the unfortunate task of cleaning the house. It’s usually the last thing on our list that we want to do, however, what if it helped keep asthma symptoms in control, especially for children? One in every 10 children has asthma. This…

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Can Vitamin D Reduce the Risk of Asthma Attacks?

December 5, 2021

Asthma attacks are painful, stressful and irritating. The symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and more can exhaust a person, no matter what age. It can drain you for a couple days, weeks or month depending on why you had the attack. If you have a cold, the asthma symptoms can linger well…

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Could you be at high risk of complications caused by the flu?

December 5, 2021

It’s that time of year again. Back to school, the holidays, and the flu. The flu comes and goes, but for those who have certain health issues, the flu can linger and cause additional complications. So, are you at risk of these complications? Influenza is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system. This includes…

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Could you have a deviated septum?

December 5, 2021

Do you have trouble breathing? How about snoring, headaches, and face pain? You could be suffering from a deviated septum. A deviated septum happens when the bone and cartilage (nasal septum) separating the nasal cavity in half is crooked and pushes towards one side. This can cause problems breathing because it makes one side of…

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Do you know the hidden signs of asthma?

December 5, 2021

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation in the airways and difficulty breathing. Roughly 1 in 12 people suffer from asthma, and it is the third top cause of hospitalizations amongst children. Wheezing, chronic coughs, shortness of breath and more are normal signs of asthma. Many people don’t realize that there are hidden…

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How to Manage Your Eye Allergies

December 5, 2021

Allergic conjunctivitis, also known as eye allergies, is a problem for millions of Americans. It can cause swollen, puffy, red eyes. This can make you feel and look miserable during allergy season. A quick fix to calming down the eyes is to use a cold compress. However, this is not a long-term solution. The most…

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Allergy & Asthma Center for the Rockies was started with a purpose in mind to evaluate patients and create life changing solutions. By taking the time to listen and evaluate, a patient’s problems, symptoms and findings are synthesized. The solution is to eliminate the symptoms and problems so patients can lead a normal life.